Master the Art of Developing Product Prototypes: Essential Guidelines - GID Company
29 May 2016

Essential Guidelines for Developing Product Prototypes

Developing product prototypes is a crucial first step once you’ve conceived a brilliant idea for a groundbreaking new product. It’s fantastic that you have an innovative concept, but what comes next? Developing product prototypes is essential because, despite how simple or obvious your product idea may seem, turning it into a reality is quite complex. By focusing on developing product prototypes, you can alleviate many challenges and move closer to realizing your vision.

Prototype development plays a vital role in the new product development. Not only do prototypes give you a clearer picture of how your conceived product will look, feel, and function like, but they also help you attract the stakeholders as well as better the final product. With our years of experience in the field of product development, we advise every inventor not to overlook the importance of building product prototypes. Product prototypes are the foundations of a new product. Here are some important guidelines to follow when developing product prototypes.

  1. Scale: One of the cardinal drawbacks when designing your concept in a computer application, like CATIA or SOLIDWORKS, is the lack of scale. A small 1-inch component or part of the conceived product can look big on the computer screen, but in the real-world, it is just a 1-inch component or part. To overcome this issue, what you need to do is 3D print the components as often as you can, especially for the small parts. 3D printing is not too expensive these days; you can either buy your own 3D printer or outsource your requirements to someone specializing in 3D printing. By 3D printing small components to judge the scale, you can avoid a lot of complications later on.
  2. Make a lot of prototypes: Don’t just create a single prototype; develop five or ten or as many as you can afford. When your product design is near its perfection, it is best to build several product prototypes. When assembling prototypes, try to do so with your hands. When you build the prototypes with your hands, you will know how they come together. Take notes of how each part fits and how many times you need to make the adjustments. If you can videotape yourself assembling the prototype, then by all means, do so. You can later re-watch the videos and figure out what is going wrong.
  3. Let someone else assemble the prototype for you: When developing product prototypes, enlist a friend, family member, or someone you know to assemble your prototype. Observe them closely and ensure you provide minimal instructions. This approach will help you quickly pinpoint any issues with the prototype assembly process. Although it might be frustrating to watch someone else struggle with developing product prototypes, this method is invaluable for gaining insights into potential problems and improving your design.
  4. Team up with a product prototype development company: When building your product prototype, you will, at some point, wish that you had a professional helping hand. After all, product prototype development is not a piece of cake! This is where a professional product prototype development company comes into play. Such a product prototype development company has skilled mechanical, electrical and all sorts of engineers who have years of experience in product prototyping. Not to forget, a prototype development company also has all the necessary tools and resources that help in product prototyping. Partnering with a product prototype development company is definitely not a bad idea. The company can point out where you are going wrong with your prototype, assist you overcome various problems, and can even help you build product prototypes from scratch.

Developing product prototypes is an invaluable investment of time, effort, and resources. By focusing on developing product prototypes, you advance your conceived product idea toward reality. As an inventor, it’s essential not to underestimate the importance of developing product prototypes. Keep in mind that developing product prototypes is a pivotal step in ensuring the success of your conceived product.

If you need help with new product prototype development, then partner with GID Development Corporation today. A leading product prototype development company in California, USA, GID Development Corporation provides product design, rapid product prototyping, product development and other product fulfillment services. Utilizing contemporary technologies, like the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform from Dassault Systèmes, which includes 3DVIA, CATIA V6, SOLIDWORKS, BIOVIA, and other CAD / CAM / CAE computer applications, and 3D printing processes, experienced engineers at GID Development Corporation can create accurate product prototypes, swiftly and economically.

Whether it is creating prototypes for electromechanical products, sports products, medical device products, embedded software products, or any novel products, GID Development Corporation, an expert product prototyping company in California, will “GET IT DONE!” Learn more about GID Development Corporation.

Have any queries regarding product prototype development? Or perhaps 3D printing? Just call Jim Grimes at 714-323-1052 between 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM PST, for a FREE 15-minute telephonic conference.

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