Important Questions to Ask Yourself Before New Product Development

We are GID, and we are the best product development company in California. We understand that developing a new product for your end users is not an easy-going task. New product development requires hundreds of serious considerations to ensure your product is entering the market in a timely manner and is loved by your targeted audiences. Thus, we are here with the set of questions that you need to ask yourself before your start the process of new product development.

Developing a new product can be an exciting prospect for any business. It presents an opportunity to expand your product line, attract new customers, and increase revenue. However, before embarking on a new product development project, it’s essential to ask yourself some important questions. These questions will help you determine whether the new product is a good fit for your business and whether it will be successful in the market. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the key questions to ask before beginning new product development.

What is the market demand for this product?

The first question you need to ask is whether there is a market demand for the product you’re planning to develop. You can conduct market research to determine the size of the market, the potential customer base, and the competition. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of the market demand for the product to ensure that there is a need for it. You can take the help of a product development company like GID or contact the experts like Jim at +1714-323-1052 for help and guidance.

What is the unique value proposition of the product?

Your new product should offer something unique to the market. It’s essential to identify the product’s unique value proposition, i.e., what sets it apart from the competition. This can be in the form of a unique feature, better quality, or a lower price point. Having a clear value proposition will help you to market the product effectively.

Does it align with your brand and business strategy?

Before launching a new product, you need to consider whether it aligns with your brand and business strategy. Your new product should fit in with your existing product line and complement your brand image. Additionally, it should align with your business strategy and support your long-term goals.

What is the cost of development and production?

New product development can be expensive, and you need to consider the cost of development and production before committing to the project. This includes the cost of research and development, manufacturing, and marketing. You need to determine whether the potential revenue from the product will cover the costs and generate a profit. If you are not sure about how to bifurcate the development cost of the product, then call Jim today. Jim is the right person to help you analyze the overall cost of developing a new product – from ideation to marketing. For a free telephonic consultation with Jim, please dial +1714-323-1052.

How will you market the product?

Marketing is an essential aspect of any new product launch. You need to consider how you will market the product and reach your target audience. This includes developing a marketing strategy, identifying the most effective channels, and determining your budget for marketing activities.

What are the potential risks and challenges?

Finally, you need to consider the potential risks and challenges associated with the new product development project. This includes the risk of product failure, market competition, and changes in customer demand. You need to develop contingency plans to address these risks and ensure that you can overcome any challenges that arise.

Contact GID Company

In conclusion, developing a new product can be a lucrative opportunity for any business. However, it’s essential to ask yourself some important questions before committing to the project. By considering the market demand, unique value proposition, alignment with your brand and business strategy, cost, marketing strategy, and potential risks and challenges, you can ensure that your new product development project is successful.

If you have a product idea that can earn you a name and fame, then get in touch with GID Company today. Jim and his team of product development experts can help you with everything related to new product development. You can have a look at their product development portfolio to better understand their expertise over in domain. For a free telephonic consultation with Jim, please call +1714-323-1052 or use the contact us form on the website.

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Product Development Strategy – Tips to Develop a Successful New Product

As new products flood the market daily, the demand for improved product development continues to escalate. Various factors such as industry, product type, features, and more must be considered. Therefore, an exceptional product development strategy is imperative.

Many companies concentrate on their customers’ needs when developing a product, while others aim to address an existing issue with their product. Regardless, without a sound product development strategy, the chances of encountering failure are high. Even if a company has an exceptional idea and ideation process, it won’t amount to much without an effective product development strategy. If you prefer learning through video, you may watch the clip below, or skip ahead if not.

In this blog, we are about to discuss a lot of interesting stuff regarding new product development and product development strategy, so stay tuned and keep reading. Let’s get started.

So, What’s a Product Development Strategy?

A product development strategy involves a series of steps aimed at introducing a new product to an existing or new market. It entails conducting constant market research, conducting thorough tests, and careful planning of product concepts. Additionally, it may involve introducing an existing product to a new market. In some cases, a product development strategy may be necessary for a current product in the current market space, particularly if a new feature is being introduced, rebranding is taking place, or a new complementary product line is being launched.

As per the product life cycle theory, all products eventually reach a plateau where revenue growth diminishes. This is typically when companies adopt fresh product-led growth strategies, introduce new product lines, or implement a new marketing strategy. Some companies concentrate on new product development strategies to help augment the growth of their current products. Regardless of whether a company’s product is successful or not, a product development strategy can be employed to enhance growth.

A product development strategy typically complements a business strategy, and the product development process can vary depending on factors such as commercializing a new product, iterating on an existing one, or other considerations. Extensive market research through focus groups is typically conducted to determine the functionality of the product and gain insight into the needs of customers in different demographics and target markets. The development team can then use this data to brainstorm and formulate a suitable strategy.

Let’s Understand New Product Development Strategy Process (NPD Process)

The process of new product development (NPD process) can be condensed into eight key steps, which remain consistent for start-ups, SMEs, and enterprises alike. These steps are fundamental to the success of the product life cycle, and all development projects must undergo them.

Ideation Process

The initial step is idea generation, which involves systematically brainstorming new product concepts based on real-world issues, existing market products, and basic target audience research. To generate a few good ideas, it’s essential to come up with hundreds of them. Two methods can be used to generate ideas.

Internal idea sources involve existing company stakeholders and employees, such as research and development, product managers, marketers, and others.

Alternatively, external idea sources can be employed, including outside stakeholders, suppliers, competitors, and secondary sources of inspiration.

Screen the Best Ideas

Idea screening involves filtering all of the generated ideas and selecting a few of the best ones. The goal is to identify a specific type of idea and then pick the most promising one from among them. Once the official product development process commences, it is difficult to revert and incorporate new ideas. Changing methodologies mid-process can result in delays and setbacks.

When selecting ideas, two factors should be considered: profitability and utility. Profitability pertains to the company, whereas utility concerns the end-user.

For those interested in acquiring skills for creating an excellent product strategy, our product management certifications provide guidance on achieving this.

Product Concept Development (and Testing)

After selecting an idea, the subsequent step is to transform it into a product concept. The product concept is a more comprehensive and detailed version of the initial idea. Developing several product concepts for various ideas can be time-consuming, and it requires a significant amount of effort and resources.

To ensure the effectiveness of the product concept, it must be tested in an existing market. The precision of the product concept is vital, and testing enables this precision. Testing the concept with target audience clusters allows for a better understanding of consumer response, appeal, and reliability. During testing, consumers can be asked specific questions to aid in product design, pricing, and prototyping.

Develop Marketing Strategy

Once a complete product concept has been developed and tested, the next step is to create a viable marketing strategy. This strategy should be developed with the current market, market share, and target audience in mind. The marketing strategy typically consists of several key components, which may include:

  • Value proposition
  • Target market description
  • Profit and market share goals (focus on SMART goals)
  • Pricing outline
  • Marketing and distribution budget
  • Long-term profit goals, sales, and marketing mix.

The marketing strategy also allows you to track certain metrics.

Business Potential of Proposed Product

After the marketing strategy, it’s important to evaluate and analyze the effectiveness of the new proposed product. That includes viewing future projections, costs, and more.

To conduct this research, you can either go for market surveys or look at similar products by other companies. Developing a sales forecast will help you estimate costs, profits, and a timeline.

Product Development

Once the business analysis is complete, the product development process begins. Up until this point, your product was just a rough idea, prototype, or a potential product. This step is crucial in turning it into a fully functional product.

This stage often requires a significant investment, as you’ll be spending on research and development. The R&D department typically creates multiple versions of the product during this phase, which is called prototyping, and can take several months to complete.

Once you have a product prototype ready, it’s time to test it. Marketers usually bring in customers for product testing, which helps them get an idea of what the customer wants.

Marketing Testing

When your product is ready to launch, the next step is to conduct test marketing, which involves testing out marketing strategies in realistic market settings. This phase is essential for marketers to understand how the product is perceived, what needs to be improved, and what other investments the company can make to ensure the product’s success. The duration of marketing testing can vary depending on the product, but it’s crucial to be as thorough as possible and follow testing best practices.


The last step in the product development process involves making the decision to launch the product. By this point, you have a fully functional product, a marketing strategy, and all the necessary information to make it work.

Launching the product involves introducing it to the market and promoting it through marketing and sales. It’s crucial to carefully plan the timing and location of the product launch to ensure its success. Failure to do so may result in the product’s failure despite its potential.

We Can Help You Create a Great Product Development Strategy

The success of your new product relies heavily on your product development strategy, as the latter is a prerequisite for the former. It is also essential for product managers, product marketing managers, the product team, and the marketing team to effectively perform their respective roles. At GID Company, we have a team of strategist to help pen down the best product development strategy that ensures the success. The Product Development Strategy defined with the help of experts at GID Company will help you maintain consistency and thoroughness.

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